Friday, September 11, 2020

Cerebral Palsy Won't Stop Her!

Jacqueline used to live in Kansas City, Missouri. Jacqueline, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and a moderate stutter, doses with Cannabis to ease her symptoms. When she is able to use cannabis, the pain associated with her disability lessens and her stutter becomes all but negligible.
While living in Kansas City, she was under the constant threat of losing her children since the state of Missouri and it’s law enforcement refuse to recognize her holistic choice for medicine. To them, Jacqueline, in spite of her condition, is nothing more than an addict and a danger to her children.
She had to flee to California or face having her children removed from her and placed in foster care.
Jacqueline became known nationally when she appeared in Showtime’s documentary “In Pot We Trust”. During the film, she demonstrates for the camera the transformation that occurs when she medicates.

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