Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How Marijuana Affects You: Part 2

From WebMD.. 
How Does Marijuana Affect You?  

In our last posting, we started a discussion of the active treatment ingredients in Cannabis medicine. Then we started to discuss ways to administer the drug treatment, starting with smoking. We now resume....

Ways you can smoke cannabis include:
  • Rolled into a cigarette
  • In a pipe or water pipe, called a bong
  • In a cigar that has been hollowed out and refilled with marijuana, called a blunt
  • In the form of sticky resins that have been drawn from the cannabis plant. Resins often have much higher amounts of THC than regular marijuana.
Eating or drinking. 
This slows marijuana’s effects because the THC has to go through your digestive system. It may take 30 minutes to 2 hours for you to get high. But it will last longer -- up to 8 hours -- than if you smoked or vaped pot. You can mix cannabis into brownies, cookies, candy, and other foods, or brew it into a tea.

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